Beware of the mobs if you are not playing in Peaceful mode; the creepers can blow up what you built. 1.1. Now that you have downloaded and installed the mod and generated a new map, you really don't know where to begin. Still remember there is an alternate route? There are Iron blades, Steel blades and the Diamond blade. So, go ahead and do what you like do and yes, go and browse some pages on this wiki when you have some troubleshooting! 2 glass pane (you should have some left when crafting the pump). Now, extend your cable by a block and then place down your Extractor. Gold. To convert KU into EU, you also need to craft a Kinetic Generator. Erste Maschinen aus Industrialcraft 2 herstellen Eine bedeutende Rolle in Industrial Craft spielt der "Electric Furnace", also der Elektro-Ofen. We'll need to make 2 Universal Fluid Cells, some mining pipes, a treetap, and the basic stuff to craft it: Place the pump directly over a lava lake and place a chest right next to it (it has to touch). You will need to craft the LV Transformer so that your CESU that you're going to craft doesn't make all your machines explode.. Now, we have more machines, and we have more ways to power them. After you begin to heat the Blast Furnace, it won't start working instantly. Redstone Dust! Don't expect that you can complete everything within a single day. Here is an example of a base with some decorative flowers. To put water in it, you can shift-click the block holding universal fluid cells that contain water, or you can put water fluid cells into it. If you are using the Electric Heat Generator, it can be placed behind or beneath the Blast Furnace, rather than side-by-side since you generally don't need to interact with it. They can only be charged in an EU storage block that has an equal or higher power tier. If that happens and your transformer is set to Redstone = step up, all of your machines connected to that transformer WILL EXPLODE. You can also refer to the guide on Minecraft Wiki or skip this part if you are experienced. A Geothermal Generator generates energy from lava. The tier of electric tools decide which EU storage blocks/generators can power them. Start out by harvesting a 2 stacks or so of wood, as well as digging up at least a stack each of copper, iron, tin, gold, redstone, cobblestone, and coal; don't go processing this stuff yet, there will be a more efficient way very shortly. Please help if you can. A Quarry is a machine that automatically mines a large area. Diamond: Ha, the diamond. The Treetap used in this recipe must be a new one, i.e. Then smelt them to get ingots. It is not beneficial to mine diamond ores without a fortune pickaxe unless it is really necessary. Do you think that pollution isn't an important thing? You can open a creative mode world to test how to place the BatBox in the correct direction. IndustrialCraft 2 has undergone a major overhaul between mod versions in 1.4.5 and 1.6.4+ Currently the version of IndustrialCraft 2 that is available is labelled as IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental. If you can empty a fully-loaded MFE Unit during a night, you are a very spendthrift player unless you're producing UUM. If you didn't craft enough Universal Fluid Cells, you can also use Bucket for gathering lava. Sie werden in die "minecraft.jar"-Datei eingefügt. The Quarry will excavate a 9x9 by default, or an area (up to 64x64 blocks) specified with landmarks. You can see there is a chest in front of the generator to gather the charged batteries when the player stalk outdoors. Put another non-directional upgrade in the blast furnace to eject empty fluid cells back to the compressor. Welcome to the IndustrialCraft 2 Tutorials page. Involved in the more advanced machines, you need, Lava: I know, it’s not a mineable resource, but it’s used to power one of the most powerful generators: the. Click on the link for more information. This page was last edited on 21 June 2020, at 02:14. In the first days, having an pretty base is not recommended, as it will be much easier to do this in late game. Now make sure the output face of the Kinetic Generator (just a completely black circle) is in contact with the high voltage side (indicated by 5 dots) of a [[LV Transformer]. Feel bored placing compressed air cells into the compressor? Perhaps it's time for you built a Metal Former. It's a very good machine for lazy people. The left tank is the water tank, and the right tank is the output tank. Fo… The “Bill of Materials & Crafting Recipes” bars are interactive and can be clicked to reveal the crafting and processing recipes as well as a tally of their required ingredients. You need to craft 1 Energy Crystal. The Water Millwill charge the battery or output power at a rate of: 1. Now your BatBox will receive a constant trickle from the Solar Panel and can also receive energy from your Generator. Sure! But don't forget to charge it. Only 4 machines can be retrieved safely every time: MFE Unit, HV Transformer, Terraformer and MINERs. It is also used in many crafting recipes of fluid-related machines. From now on Rubber will be no longer included in material lists as it is easy to produce them in mass quantities. It takes about 5 minutes for a single blast furnace to produce a single piece of steel (and slag), so you need to build it early. Hoppers were used here, but you can also use upgrades. You now have 1 Metal Former, 1 Generator, 1 Macerator, and 1 Electro Furnace. It can be used to process depleted nuclear fuels, and more. The 5 dot side is the high voltage face, while the single dot size is the low voltage face. To collect lava, place the pump with its side that has a grey hole texture facing lava. This process needs 3 things - Advanced Alloys, Carbon Plates and Refined Iron. EU storage blocks have a certain output voltage, and only outputs if it has enough EU stored for a single packet unless it powers the machines directly. Besides the uses mentioned above, bronze can also be used as a replacement for Iron. However, the advantage of the IC2 crops is that you don't need to re-plant the wheat after harvesting it. The Manual Kinetic Generator allows you to generate some Kinetic Power (Unit: KU, short for kinetic unit) by simply standing there clicking on it over and over again. and compressed air cells inside the Blast Furnace. It takes six compressed air cells to make 1 Refined Iron. It revolves around automation and modernization of many aspects of the game. Fortunately, they're not one time use, they can be used 80 times before breaking. Don't worry, it's not hard to make. It will apply radiation to anyone nearby when it detonates. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Industrial Craft 2 uses its own Creative Tab to index its blocks and items. Remember that lava lake you found waaaaay back when you made your first trip in the mines? The Solar Distiller is very slow, so it is suggested to craft multiple of them. Try vanilla survival to get a taste of what vanilla is like before you begin on your IC2 survival. Энергохранитель или энергохранилище, аккумуляторный блок (англ. Can you find sixteen diamonds? You will gradually use your hunger bar in this process. It's involved in many mid-tech machines. Here are some pictures of examples on how to do so. * Preis bei Ebay anschauen! If this is your first time playing with a mod, make sure that you have installed IC2 correctly. IndustrialCraft 2, often stylized as IC 2, is a mod for Minecraft based around industrial processes and is one of the most venerable mods still in use in Feed The Beast today.. IC 2 introduces numerous features across a variety of areas in Minecraft, including resource processing, mining, agriculture and the player's armory itself. As well as a Forge Hammer, you need a way to make cables before you can get a machine to replace both tasks. UU-Matter is created in a Mass Fabricator unless GregTech 4 is installed, in which … After using, you just need to recharge it by placing it either in a generator or in a EU storage block like the Batbox. Apologies for the inconvenience. Industrial Craft 2. Ingredients: 1. Uranium Ore produces 5 Uranium 238 and 2 tiny piles of Uranium 235 in a thermal centrifuge. So just plant the tree, destroy the leaves to get the sapling back, and continue on until you have around 20 trees. In order to make the ore go even further, an Ore Washing Plant can be made to get 2 tiny piles of the metal, 9 of which make a dust which can be smelted into an ingot, as well as giving a purified crushed ore. Set the Transformer to fixed step down mode and connect the low voltage side (indicated by 1 dot) of the Transformer to a Cable or the BatBox. The second tier of storage is the CESU. The downside is that these are pretty expensive, but just one or two helps immensely early on. UU-Matter is an item added by IndustrialCraft 2 which is used to craft many different resources. Bring those lava cells back to the overworld, put them in the Geothermal Generator, and you have got a free source of EU! The Recipes and Resources page has a list of all available power tools. Craft a machine block, 4 gold cables, and craft an MFE Unit like this: Now, we can store a lot of EU for difficult times, and finally charge your mining laser. Just be careful not to drop it in lava. Let's put our knowledge of bronze to use making a bigger EU storage block! Of course you could create your own designs. There are two types: an OD Scanner, or a wider ranged, more energy-eating OV Scanner. It has been edited for tone/content/style. When used, the OD Scanner scans the ores in a 5x5 area and submits the results on the player's screen. 2 Tool Boxes are needed to craft the Metal Former, which will be introduced in the next section. Be careful! Each smelt requires 400 EU. Once you acquire stone tools, growing trees and wheat are essential if you don't want to travel long distances to get wood and food. 4.1 EU Storage Blocks; 4.2 EU Storage Items; 5 Tools; 6 Armor. Smelt some Cobblestone, craft a circuit, and then a Machine block. We need some for crafting the first part of a machine, and later, other things. Everybody runs after them. If a machine runs out of EU, it will stop working. Feed The Beast Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. A single one of them can carry 400,000 EU, ten times that of the Charging RE Battery! The Nuke is a dangerous and expensive explosive device from IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2). It acts like an ordinary TNT block, though it is five times more powerful. The kinetic generator has a power tier of 3, meaning that it sends out a maximum of 512 EU/p. Then you'll have to rebuild it from scrap. The MFSU is capable of storing 40 million EU, making it the highest tier of the energy storage device without addons! You'll need to make three Copper Coils. Since packets don't apply to items, it is called "Power Tier" instead. It will start filling them up. To increase or decrease voltage, a Transformer is needed. The miner use a lot of EU. Actually, the thermal centrifuge has uses besides processing ores and slag. If you have plenty of EU to spare with and enough materials, the OV scanner is highly recommended for use in the miner. NO! It will not be introduced here. This generator isn't renewable like solar or wind based ones, but it's a great alternative or supplement to Coal/Charcoal. The magic appears: each Crushed Ore is smelted into an ingot! It rarely requires any manual work, and only needs a supply of energy (Mj)., Decreases processing time to 70% but increases power usage to 160%, Effects stack (But note: Adding to many without, Allows energy input to be one tier higher, Allowed to increase another tier (max tier 5), Eject output to first valid side, or to a set side, Eject fluid output to first valid side, or to a set side, Inverts the redstone signal a machine is receiving. Once you've replicated enough Iridium, you can craft the quantum suit. Only after being completely warmed up can it process Iron. Here is an example of a base with some decorative flowers. The macerator pulls items from the chest next to the macerator, and ejects items to the top chest. Go back to the overworld and smelt them. Remember only to put in fuel when needing EU - otherwise precious EU is likely to get wasted. The default firing mode is the mining mode. It is the hardest type of generators to deal with, depending greatly upon both placement (obstructions and height) and luck (wind strength). This mod is considered to be a base mod with many mods based off of its mechanics as well as some mods that modify recipes/mechanics. Materials you need to craft 2 Tool Boxes: First, mix the dusts to create Bronze. 1 x Diamond Pickaxe 5. Several forms of uranium are radioactive and will poison (often quite severely) anyone handling them without the use of a Hazmat Suit. You will gradually progress upwards the voltage tiers, and only by then will you need the Transformer. Craft some Nether Brick Fences, and replace some of the walls with the fences. In this screenshot you can see the self-detecting dropper that is responsible to send items, in this case the empty universal fluid cell up to the double chest. By hovering your mouse over the lightning icon, you can see how many EU the machine currently has. This will be helpful when powering your miners in the future. You can craft an optional engi-friendly tool dedicated for moving and rotating machines: the Bronze Wrench. How can it be so rare?" Edit. And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for: the incredible MACERATOR which can double your mining productivity. Wouldn't it be nice to carry more EU at a time? There are four power storage units from IC2; the most basic being the BatBox, then the CESU, followed by the MFE, and finally, the grand daddy MFSU. (texture pack used: Soartex). The Ore Washing Plant can purify the ores one step further to get purified ores with 1000 mB Water and some EU. Now, use your weapon, mine resources, because soon we will start a new chapter. In addition to the Blast Furnace itself, it requires a heat source, and a Compressor (listed above) is needed to make Compressed Air Cells. Nothing new here, but a good base is a good start. Thinking it is a waste of Rubber by simply smelting Sticky Resin? In case you have already forgotten them, they are shown below. The Refined Iron (Steel) Rotor lasts 3 IRL days (72 hours) inside the KWG and requires wind levels between 17 and 90 MCW. Industrial Craft 2 allows you to create completely new types of tools and armor, which will significantly increase the number of extracted resources. It inputs/outputs at 512 EU/tick, or High Voltage, which is effective for higher tier IC2 machines. That should be enough in the long term. To double ore using IndustrialCraft 2 you must build a Macerator. The Treetap is used by right-clicking a sap hole on a rubber tree (orange oval on the trunk), which will yield a small amount of Sticky Resin. The Universal Fluid Cell is a stackable container capable of carrying fluids, similar to the vanilla bucket. Like all other maps you begin in, gather some wood, then some cobblestone, and set up a base for your first night, just as how you would do in vanilla survival. IC2 is based on Forge API, which needs installing Forge. Then, block any flowing lava with cobblestone, so that you don't accidentally walk into them. IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2) adds a variety of electrically-powered machines to the Minecraft world, bringing Minecraft to the Industrial Age and beyond. Awesome! Place the CES Unit and the LV Transformer so that the output of the CES Unit connects to the five-dotted side of the transformer. If you need to change the direction of the BatBox's output facing, you'll need to use the Bronze Wrench. You should mine it - it will become more useful in the future. Mods 29,202,460 Downloads Last Updated: Oct 13, 2020 Game Version: Forge. It operates faster and uses fuel more efficiently. Then this is your tool: The Electric Treetap. The practical use of this will be introduced later. Note that these recipes are shapeless, meaning that you can put the two ingredients anywhere you like, and you will still get the same output. To build the wind turbine, you'll need a machine block and two iron shafts, crafted like so: The Wood Rotor lasts 3 IRL hours inside the Wind Turbine and requires wind levels between 10 and 60 MCW. The Blast Furnace can accept a maximum of 20 Heat Units, and each Coil produces 5 Heat units. So we've got some energy. Hate to see freakin' transformer blocks everywhere in your working station? Please, RELAX. To craft the Advanced Miner! Next we must craft the recipe of all machines: the Basic Machine Casing. The steam setup needs more materials and EU, but it is much faster. You can see the first version of it here: First Steps in the IndustrialCraft mod for Minecraft V0.5.pdf After your Iron Ores are well-macerated, put 2 Iin Ores into it and repeat the same process. The Metal Former has 3 modes: Rolling, Extruding and Cutting. Important: This tutorial is made for v2.X of IndustrialCraft². Unfortunately, they all eventually wear out. Mods/IndustrialCraft²/Crafting Recipes. Place the Copper Plates and the Cutter onto the crafting grid to cut them into Copper Wires. Wondering if there is a machine that can do all this crafting without tools? Now you should have all materials needed to craft a metal former. Refined Iron will be covered further down in the Getting Started - Heat Machinery Section. This is the thing you'll use your Iron Furnace to craft. Place the Metal Former according to the picture on the right. Bricks is recommended as it's made from clay, found in relatively great abundance in riverbeds. After completed its warm-up process, your Blast Furnace should be ready to use. You remember the rubber that you have smelted? Cobblestone can't be destroyed by fireballs shot by ghasts. Mods/IndustrialCraft²/Crafting Recipes – Official Minecraft Wiki. Do you get tired of waiting for that stupid sun? You can measure the wind strength with the Windmeter. For other uses, see Treetap. BatBoxes can be daisy-chained to provide more EU storage. Use the forge hammer to make 5 iron plates to turn one furnace into Iron Furnace. There are different rotors you can put in the Wind Turbine. Expose EnergyTiles already when they aren't fully added to the enet. unfinished, please refer to QuantumSuit Bodyarmor for information. 2 x Diamond Gears 2. 3 to 5 rubber trees are enough for now, but more will be always beneficial in the long term. The second item your miner needs is a Mining Drill. There is a separate tutorial about replication. Place the HV Transformer with the five-dots side facing the MFSU and the single-dot side facing the MV Transformer or your MFE. When the demand of smelting is high you may consider upgrading your Electric Furnace to an Induction Furnace. Now you have 8 Crushed Iron Ore and 4 Crushed Tin Ore, throw them into a Furnace to smelt them. The third tier of energy storage is the MFE. You will need a lot of its products later. It can also be used in a network game, so you can organize a joint industrial production with friends. One of the first things you can do with this Advanced Alloy is make yourself a Composite Armor Vest. Hoppers can averagely spread the lava fluid cells that was put into the top chest, and put the empty fluid cells into the bottom chest. Of course this is just the first steps so now you are pretty much on your own! The other resources are found buried in the ground, so are found by going mining. Take these, and place one on each block of farmland. Once that's done pick the furnace back up. Put the RE-battery inside and it should be sucking lava for you. But you still need to craft something else before you can craft the Kinetic Generator. For a miner to work, you have to craft another two things: If it takes a lot of time to go to your flat place, we will craft a Teleporter, or a Terraformer. Stone Furnace by some IC2 users). You will need them to craft Nether brick fences as your blast proof windows in the nether base. As it can be inferred from the recipes, crafting 1 diamond requires 64 coal dust, 8 flint, one obsidian/bricks/iron block and some EU. Since food comes in all shapes and sizes, some food fits in a few cans, while other foods need more than a few cans. In the first days, having an pretty base is not recommended, as it will be much easier to do this in late game. You don't need to deal with excess cobble if you set it properly, and it can mine a much larger area. If you don't want overclocker upgrades, you can skip this section, but remember to come back when you need the Fluid/Solid Canning Machine. Steel blade is good enough for almost all purposes, with an exception of Steel blocks. If you need a massive quantity of this upgrade, compress tin to get Dense Tin Plate, and craft the upgrade with dense tin plate to save a few pistons. If this is your first time playing IC2, it is highly recommended to create a creative world and test things like how machines work, how to place down machines to orientate them correctl, and many more things. That's why we're going to craft the Extractor! For a Terraformer, you need energy, two TFBP, an advanced machine, and some glowstone dust. Now comes the actual armor crafting. have a full durability of 16. 'For the quarry in buildcraft 1 - see this.' If you don't want overclocker upgrades, you can skip this section, but remember to come back when you need distilled water. Sie ist der Nachfolger der veralteten Modifikation IndustrialCraft. BOOM! IC2 is a mod (modification), which adds new things and changes some vanilla behaviors, making it different from vanilla Minecraft. You'll need six Bronze Ingots to make a Bronze Wrench: Using a Bronze Wrench is incredibly easy: just right-click on a machine and its primary side will rotate to that face; shift-right-click to rotate it to the opposite side you clicked; right-click the same face a second time and the machine will be removed; be careful: In some versions of IC2, if the wrenched machine isn't empty, you will lose everything it contains. Make a Coil and place them inside the Electric Heat Generator. In this screenshot you can see the pump and the infinite water source on the top of the machines. There is something else to do with them other than wasting them in one-use tools or armor. Craft the remaining Tin Plate into Tin Cables. It runs directly on EU. However, if you don't spot any, that doesn't mean there must be no players around. This can store up to 4,000,000 EU at one time.
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