Costs. Der Standort des Studiums ist Hamburg. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium und Teilzeitstudium angeboten. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen ist zum Wintersemester 2010/2011 eingeführt worden. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (M.Sc.) Most master's programmes offered at the university are consecutive programmes, i.e. Alle 144 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Master-Studiengänge, die in Deutschland angeboten werden im Überblick. Die aktuellen NC-Verfahrensergebnisse sowie die Ergebnisse der vergangenen Jahre finden Sie auf den Seiten des Einschreibungswesens. Neue Regelungen ab 2020 - Studiengänge mit Uni-NC. Please note, however, that during this time, applicants may not be enrolled at another university in Germany. Fragen zum Studium im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen? The following information does not apply to non-EU applicants nor to applicants to medicine, dentistry or pharmacy programs. The first step consists in ranking applicants - both by grade (achievement ranking) and by the amount of time, counted as a half-year or semester, since the applicant has received his Abitur or secondary-school leaving degree (waiting period ranking). GyGe = Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen. Criteria check Completed undergraduate studies. Course offered: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik. Zusätzlich werden im Masterstudium fünf sogenannte Dual-Master-Programme angeboten, innerhalb derer zwei Masterabschlüsse parallel erworben werden können, und zwar. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Studiengänge ohne NC: 364 Studiengänge im Überblick Once applicants have been ranked, admission procedures can begin. Module manual M.Sc. uni-assist is the central point of contact for applicants with international educational certificates for approximately 170 German universities. The waiting period accrues from the date on which the secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur) was obtained. You can find past restriction values here under "NC Werte und Bewerberzahlen" (NC values and applicant figures). The master study requires a satisfactory level of English, verified through a brief interview with the candidates. By clicking Do not save data you will exit the form without saving.Changes you made on this page will be lost. Beitrag von Campus-Center - Michael Gautzsch » … We now send out acceptance letters to the 20 applicants who have been admitted. Two-year Master of Science course. In the master’s program in Politics, Economics und Philosophy (PEP), you learn to analyze individual and collective decision-making processes in order to solve problems in the areas of politics, corporate governance or international relations later on. If there are more applications than the limitation allows for, there is a selection procedure in accordance with the above-mentioned criteria (see "quotas"). Biochemistry and Biophysics Master of Science (M.Sc.) Das Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der staatlichen Uni Hamburg hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss Master of Science. in Berlin, Bremen, Dortmund, Düsseldorf und Hamburg. Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School), beluga â Catalogue of Hamburg Libraries, Office of Affairs for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Diseases, The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, The Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL), Center for a Sustainable University (KNU), Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Prospective continuing education students, Examination and study regulations for cross-university programs. Master’s programme in Göttingen: Multi-faceted, international, research-oriented. Sprach-Assessment SkaLa. In both areas, students can further specialize—in energy technology in the engineering component and in corporate management in the business component, for example. The Program . Saarland University offers a broad range of exciting research topics and an inspiring environment for your Master's degree studies. This page:UHH > Campus Center > Applying > Information about program restrictions. Ab 2020 gelten neue rechtliche Bestimmungen für die Studienplatzvergabe. In our example (see "Exampe of an admission procedure" and subsequent sections), the threshold value for the grade would correspond to the grade point average of the applicant last admitted, meaning Karl's Abitur grade point average of 2.9. UNI-NC = Auswahlverfahren durch die Universität, da zulassungsbeschränktes Fach (Ergebnisse Örtliches Auswahlverfahren der letzten Semester). Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen kann in insgesamt 17 Städten studiert werden, u.a. Since 18 applicants (90%) are admitted according to grade, the first 18 applicants in the achievement ranking (or up to and including Gerhard in the respective table in "Creating ranking lists") would be admitted. und Master (M.Sc.) There you can also find out about the ratios of places and applicants. Master-Studiengänge Die Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft bietet Ihnen eine Reihe von Studiengängen mit breit gefächerten Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten und exzellenten Berufschancen an und eröffnet Ihnen breite Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten, die Ihren Neigungen gerecht werden. At some universities you can already apply before completing your first degree.. Note. a threshold grade and a threshold waiting period) are established: a degree program at Universität Hamburg may be able to admit 20 applicants in a given semester in accordance with a specific grade and in accordance with a specific waiting period (this means that prior quotas have already been taken into account); 90 % (= 18) of these places are offered based on your Abiturnote (overall secondary school leaving grade or grade-point average) and 10% (= 2) the time which has passed since you obtained your Abitur (secondary school leaving certificate). The following is an example of how admission restrictions (i.e. Master’s study programmes; Application via uni-assist. Mitteilung der Zulassung: You will find current information relating to STiNE online application for the summer semester 2021 here (Application period: 1 December 2020 – 15 January 2021). The curriculum is rounded out with a component combining both areas. Die Abschlüsse Bachelor (B.Sc.) Wir vergleichen hier 30 passende Studiengänge an privaten Fachhochschulen oder privaten Universitäten in Deutschland. Das Studium "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen" an der staatlichen "Uni Hamburg" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". Periods of study at a private German university, however, are not deemed as periods of study. By clicking Back to form you will get back to the form where you can save it. A degree program is restricted if a university decides before the start of a semester that only a limited number of applicants may be admitted. Simply submit your documents to uni-assist as uploads. Der Standort des Studiums ist Hamburg. Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administration) an. Master of Education / (Teaching Degree) Berufskolleg: Open Admission 1: This major has to be combined with one of these minors: Pflanzenwissenschaften (Pflanzenbau) Tierwissenschaften (Tierhaltung) Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften ... Local NC (Uni Bonn) G = Lehramt an Grundschulen. The University of Göttingen offers more than 100 master’s programmes in the natural and life sciences, as well as the humanities and social sciences. Two places (10%) would be allocated to the first two applicants on the waiting list, meaning Bettina and Holger (as listed in the respective table in "Creating ranking lists"). This rigorous, research-oriented program concentrates on current theories and methods of political science, economics and philosophy. Are you looking for a suitable master’s programme? Corporate processes are increasingly oriented towards globalization and global market competition, which is also leading to a reorientation of the classic engineering programs. Alle Rechte vorbehalten,, Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Fakultät für Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft, Büro für die Belange von Studierenden mit Behinderungen oder chronischen Krankheiten, Exzellenzcluster Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburger Zentrum für Universitäres Lehren und Lernen (HUL), Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (CEN), Admissions for people with vocational qualifications, Number of places available and applicants (f, or all programs excluding teaching programs, Number of places available and applicants. These three places are now offered in a succession procedure to applicants ranked next in the list, i.e. In other words, all applicants with grade point averages which are better than 2.9 will be admitted and all applicants with a 2.9 are subject to lottery procedures. Bildungswissenschaft - Lehren und Lernen Master of Arts (M.A.) Erläuterungen. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 6 Mal bewertet. Der M.Sc. Let's say, for example, that Hans, Brigitte and Holger (see "Creating ranking lists") have turned down their offers of admission. Please turn to the DOSV website for more information. Nach dem Auswahlverfahren, ber … – Studis Online-Forum If two applicants have the same grade, a lottery procedure is used (each applicant is randomly assigned a number at the start of application procedures). : + 49.40.428 75 - 6051 heidi.albers(@) What conclusions can I draw from all of this? © 2021 Universität Hamburg. Auswahl verfeinern Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen ( ohne Schnickschnack ) Weitere detaillierte Informationen zum Studiengang finden Sie auf der Homepage des Studiendekanats: Master Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Alle Modalitäten zur Zulassung sind in der Satzung über das Studium geregelt. Your degree must be equivalent to a German bachelor degree. Uni hamburg wirtschaftsingenieurwesen master Wirtschaftsingenieur Hamburg - Jobs in Hamburg und Umgebun . Professor für Chemie und Werkstoffkunde Ulmenliet 20, Raum S2.08 21033 Hamburg T +49 40 428 75-6065 Studiengänge Studiengänge Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Mit Erfahrungsberichten, NC-Liste und zulassungsfreien Studiengängen. Let's assume that 40 people have applied. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. GyGe = Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen. Below is an explanation as to how grades and waiting periods relate to admission restriction policies. Applicants on the waiting list are ranked according to the number of half-years since they have received their Abitur (secondary school leaving certificate - see Ulf, RP 6, and Ursula, RP 7, in the section "Creating ranking lists"). Mit dem „Bachelor of Science" in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen können die Absolventinnen und Absolventen entweder ihre wissenschaftliche Karriere fortsetzen (Master, Promotion) oder in den Beruf gehen. All rights reserved. On this page you can find all universities for which uni-assist processes applications. Zum Einschreibungswesen. Other applicants who have waited 10 semesters are subject to lottery procedures - like Ulf, who still did not receive an offer of admission after 10 years. und Zahnmedizin: Für Medizin werden seit WS 2008/09 … No one establishes a threshold value for a future selection procedure; threshold values are based solely on the grades and waiting times of the last applicants on the admission lists. The aim is to train students for work within companies and research in which complex engineering and business issues can be resolved using sound and established methods. Shaping the Future with Knowledge – as one of the nine leading Institutes of Technology in Germany, Leibniz Universität is aware of its responsibility in seeking sustainable, peaceful and responsible solutions to the key issues of tomorrow. Die Abschlüsse Bachelor (B.Sc.) Within the engineering component, students may choose among seven specializations over the four semesters: Within the business component, students may take advantage of the entire range of business administration master’s courses offered at Universität Hamburg, and specialize in areas such as supply chain management, corporate management, finance or marketing. Please inform yourself at the university about its special application procedure. Erläuterungen. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen StudiengängeWelchen NC brauche ich für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen? Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus Clausus bei Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen im Wintersemester 2019/2020 und Sommersemester 2020; mit Bewerbungsfristen und Archiv seit 2014. Admission restricted (Z): no. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / B.Sc 2.0 / 8 2.0 / 8 2.0 / 8 2.1 / 8 2.3 / 8 2.3 / 8 Zeichen-legende Medizin * HEV; die erstgenannte Note ist der Grenzwert in der 20% Abiturbestenquote für BewerberInnen mit einem Hamburger Abitur; der dritte Wert ist der Wartezeitgrenzwert in der 20%-Wartezeitquote. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria are used for admission procedures: see. Für ein Master-Studium im Bereich Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen ist in erster Linie ein Hochschulabschluss auf mindestens Bachelor-Niveau in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder einer äquivalenten Wirtschafts- oder Ingenieurwissenschaft von mindestens sechs Semestern Regelstudienzeit erforderlich. You have not saved this form yet. UNI-NC = Auswahlverfahren durch die Universität, da zulassungsbeschränktes Fach (Ergebnisse Örtliches Auswahlverfahren der letzten Semester). - Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (berufsbegleitend) Bachelor of Science ️+☀️ Business Management and Engineering Bachelor of Engineering ️+☀️ Digital Industry 4.0. Ein erster berufsqualifizierender B.Sc.-Hochschulabschluss in dem hochschulübergreifenden Bachelor-Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der Universitäten Hamburg und der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften oder einem vergleichbaren B.Sc.-Studiengang einer anderen Hochschule (Lehrveranstaltungen in den Bereichen Mathematik, Statistik, Naturwissenschaften und …
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