divi blurb icon size

February 16, 2021

Now duplicate the Blurb Module you just created three times and drag each of the duplicated blurbs over to the other three columns. This post explains how to add CSS code to Divi: https://divibooster.com/adding-css-to-the-divi-theme/. This package also includes JSON file with 3 samples that can be imported directly to your Divi library.. 2. //]]>. You will most probably need to adjust the font-size of the icon. Define a custom background color for your module, or leave blank to use the default color. If you do not choose to use an Icon, then you will be prompted to upload an image instead. Divi comes with dozens of great fonts powered by Google Fonts. If you would like to increase the space between each letter in your body text, use the range slider to adjust the space or input your desired spacing size into the input field to the right of the slider. 16:9 – the standard monitor ratio, widescreen and great for headers. 3. 2) Add the following code into the main Divi Custom CSS box (Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS): The first of the two blocks of code moves the icon to the right. Hopefully that will clear it up, but let me know if not. To lay your hands on the free blurb icon background examples, you will first need to download them using the button below. 1. Locate the blurb module within the list of modules and click it to add it to your page. Enter optional CSS classes to be used for this module. Ok, now we are done with the first step in creating Divi hover effects. Since your design settings have carried over to your duplicated modules, all you have to do is change the content (heading, content, icon, url, etc…) and tweak colors to fit each of your services. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to do. How can i change it back? By default, borders have a width of 1 pixel. If you chose “yes” for the “Use Icon” setting, then this option will appear. To use it: 1. Header Font Size: 24px Classic layout has option to show icon on right in blurb. Besides the Title and Body Text content being different, the only styling difference is the phone number in the third Blurb Module is a larger text size. Do the same with any other caching / performance plugins you have installed, and maybe clear your browser history as well. Hi elie, thanks for pointing this out. 2. Divi Blurb Extended Examples. The only changes I made with the colors and size of the icon. First, Add the right Module. If defined, this image will be used as the background for this module. Select the Gear Icon in one of the Blurb modules (in the third Row from top) to open Blurb Settings. The Divi Theme blurb module allows you to add an icon with text to your page. [CDATA[ Blurb Text will also span the full width of your column up to 550px. Body Line Height: 1.5em. Download The Blurb Icon Background Examples for FREE. You can add custom padding values to any of the module’s four sides. You can add custom margin values to any of the module’s four sides. Thanks! You icon, in it’s color, will appear inside this a circle with the color you select here. Cheers! Now simply copy and paste the below CSS code snippet to your website. You can also click the Use Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard. This only affects blurbs that are not in icon mode. Content > Add in your Text here. Within the design tab you will find all of the module’s styling options, such as fonts, colors, sizing and spacing. Positioning Blurb Icon #1. Harness the power of Divi with any WordPress theme. The blurb module is a simple and elegant combination of text and imagery. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. I set it to 16. This option lets you control which devices your module appears on. Set up the rest (icon color, circle and border, icon placement, animation) as you want. The blurb layouts available in this plugin allows user to create Divi flip box with various animation effects. For example: CTA, button, slider, blurb, etc. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. If you select “yes” for the “Use Icon” option, then you will be presented with the following options to customize your icon. But what if i want to go back to normal size. Icon Font Size: 68px (this adjusts the size of your icon) If I went smaller the circle remained the same size while the icon within it became smaller. A CSS class can be used to create custom CSS styling. Background images will appear above background colors, which means your background color will not be visible when a background image is applied. Within the Custom CSS section, you will find a text field where you can add custom CSS directly to each element. It really makes me question the developers. It is so stupid that this has to be done with CSS considering ALLLLL the settings in DIVI. Maybe it is not as popular, but I have seen layouts from other WordPress builders that use these very nicely, and I have needed it on client sites. By default, Divi uses the Open Sans font for all text on your page. Changing image size and responsive content alignment in the Divi Blurb Module I’m using the popular Divi monster theme on a client site right now and I wanted to change the behaviour of the Blurb Module where you can combine an image or icon with a headline and some text. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced. + These classes can be used in your Divi Child Theme or within the Custom CSS that you add to your page or your website using the Divi Theme Options or Divi Builder Page Settings. Anything that controls what appears in your module will always be found within this tab. Tried it with divi booster on my own Website. ... Icon Font Size. Your email address will not be published. An out-of-the-box Divi uses 48px for the icon on top and 16px for the icon on the left. Icon: [select an icon that illustrates your service], Icon Color: #42bb99 (make sure color compliments the site design) Here is a quick tutorial to right align the Divi blurb image/icon and reverse the module. Blurb modules can be placed in any column that you create. Icon List module is like the Divi Blurb Module but more enhanced and well-aligned. For this example, I’m going to use the Blurb Module to add four featured services to a homepage. You're right, the CSS is no longer necessary. Select your desired style from the dropdown menu to apply it to your border. creating the blurb module design. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. Leaving this field blank will simply leave your title as a static element. You can even set the background of the heading with color, gradient, or image. Built to get you more shares and more followers. If you chose “yes” for the “Use Icon” setting, then this option will appear. Custom units of measurements of supported, which means you can change the default unit from “px” to something else, such as em, vh, vw etc. This controls the direction of the lazy-loading animation. For this example, I’m going to use the Blurb Module to add four featured services to a homepage. In these cases the circle around the icon will be an oval. This border can be customized using the following conditional settings. URL: [add a URL to the service page] By default, Divi uses the Open Sans font for all text on your page. This field is where you can enter the body content of your blurb. Text Orientation: Center Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. Simply click on the con that you would like to use and it will appear in your blurb. Line height affects the space between each line of your body text If you would like to increase the space between each line, use the range slider to adjust the space or input your desired spacing size into the input field to the right of the slider. The only changes I made with the colors and size of the icon. Borders support eight different styles, including: solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset. Blurb Images will always appeared centered within their columns and will span the full width of your column up to 550px. (I've just added this link into the post above too). Divi Booster has an option for increasing the left-positioned blurb icon to 96px, to match the default top-positioned icon size. Margin is the space added outside of your module, between the module and the next element above, below or to the left and right of it. Design tab. The ultimate email opt-in plugin for WordPress. Letter spacing affects the space between each letter. This option allows you to customize the color of your Icon. If your blurb is being placed onto a dark background the Text Color should be set to ‘Dark’. Since the addition of Divi's "Icon Font Size" setting mentioned above, this option is no longer required. The default icon size was 96 pixels. Enter an optional CSS ID to be used for this module. If you would like to increase the space between each letter in your header text, use the range slider to adjust the space or input your desired spacing size into the input field to the right of the slider. New Plugin: Divi Show / Hide Button Module, This post may contain referral links which may earn a commission for this site. Just what I was looking for. Method . It is now possible to add blurb icons directly in Divi, by going into the settings for your blurb module settings and setting "Use Icon" to "No" and then selecting an image to display with your blurb, like so: Note that the Divi option lets you upload a custom icon to a single blurb … Before you can add a blurb module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. To remove custom margin, delete the added value from the input field. Q: What are the unique features of Divi Blurb Extended compared to default Divi Blurb Module? Elegant Themes’ Divi 3 is great in many ways, creating a horizontal blurb with a large image is not one of them — unless of course you customize the CSS. I see you're using Cachify – I'd suggest going into that plugin's settings and clearing it's caches. Visa versa, if your blurb is being placed onto a light background, the Text Color should be set to ‘Light’. // Design > Image & Icon, 2. It contains an options to choose between placing the icon above the text or to the side. This hack allows you to add over 1,000 icons from Font Awesome. Unfortunately, I have no insight into whether they plan to or not… Hopefully it's on their roadmap! Here you can adjust the size of your header text. Here you can pick a color to use for your circle. Alternate text provides any necessary information if the image does not load, appear properly, or in any other situation where a user cannot view the image. Use Icon: YES Where do I position this code? This option allows you to turn on a border for your circle. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our Divi Daily email list by using the form below. It should look like this. Most websites need a well-designed feature section to display the features of products or services. Placing the image/icon to the left of your text will cause the image to be smaller than if it were placed at the top. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. The second right aligns the text / title (so you may want to leave the second block out if you don't want to do that). You can add multiple classes, separated with a space. A: a) Divi Blurb Extended Module and its layout Classic 1. Here you can choose whether or not your link opens in a new window. You can increase this value by dragging the range slider or by inputting a custom value into the input field to the right of the slider. Padding is the space added inside of your module, between the edge of the module and its internal elements. Enabling this option will place a border around your module. Divi comes with dozens of great fonts powered by Google Fonts. Since the Blurb module combines both imagery and text to showcase certain features, you can use it to add a list of your company’s services on your homepage. How to add, configure and customize the Divi blurb module. Hi, i could set the image on the left with divi booster plugin, but is there a way to increase the space between the image and the text? Thanks! If you are starting a new page, don’t forget to add a row to your page first. Step Two: Add CSS to create the Divi hover effect. Here you can choose where you would like your image/icon to be placed. I have to do this every time and each time I shake my head. In the design settings make sure you select white as the icon colour. Icon placement is top. Obviously, not quite the effect I was hoping for. To add the four Blurbs to your page, use the visual builder to add a standard section with a four column row. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. Let’s make our blurb look awesome. Divi Blurb Extended Examples. You can change the font of your header text by selecting your desired font from the dropdown menu. Repeat this Step 4 for each of these Blurb Modules. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. To remove custom margin, delete the added value from the input field. Works with both images and icons, although you will need separate CSS for each of them. The issue was that the default Divi blurb image was way too small. Here you can apply custom CSS to any of the module’s many elements. Some icons are not square, for example the plane icon. This dropdown menu allows you to specify the orientation of your text to be Left Justified, Centered, or Right Justified. To position the top blurb icon, open the blurb module settings and update the following: Transform Translate X-axis (desktop): -242px; Transform Translate Y-axis (desktop): 50px; Transform Translate X-axis (phone): -170px; Positioning Blurb Icon #2. Body Font Size: 18px Applying a max width value here will limit the width of the blurb image. Since the Blurb module combines both imagery and text to showcase certain features, you can use it to add a list of your company’s services on your homepage. It should even work for many 3rd party plugins as well, providing they follow Divi’s coding practices. as well as left, center, and right position if you choose to keep your icon on top. Apply Divi blurb custom icon, set Divi blurb icon on the right, Divi blurbs hover effects and many more customization options. The blurb module is a simple and elegant combination of text and imagery. When using WireFrame view in the Visual Builder, these labels will appear within the module block in the Divi Builder interface. Use Icon Font Size: YES I set it to 16. By default, the icons are set to your theme accent color. Choose your icon in the icon settings. Hi Christian, it sounds like it's probably a caching issue (where a caching plugin stores and uses old version of Divi Booster's CSS file). Update the Blurb Settings with the following: Title: [enter title of service] It can either appear above the text, or to the left of the text. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. Download the Icon Font you wish to use. The Divi Builder includes lots of ways to add images to your layouts. The default icon size was 96 pixels. It contains an options to choose between placing the icon above the text or to the side. This Divi blurb plugin will enhance your level to use the default Divi theme blurb module and designing the blurbs. If you would like to change the color of your header text, choose your desired color from the color picker using this option. Then add a Blurb module to the first column of your row. This option affects the color of your border. Each of these layout locations can use any size image, but a more effective layout would use images that are designed for those locations. By default these values are measured in pixels, but you can input custom units of measurement into the input fields. What you don’t need to do is going to the Advanced Design Settings and enable USE ICON FONT SIZE, and set it to 0. Divi Plus Fancy Heading module is an ultimate Divi headings (h1-h6) customizer module that can create the most compelling headings of a different color, font styles and font-weight. Back To Divi Builder Plugin Documentation. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. That will be done by some CSS. The padding is optional. This is useful if you want to use different modules on different devices, or if you want to simplify the mobile design by eliminating certain elements from the page. Line height affects the space between each line of your header text If you would like to increase the space between each line, use the range slider to adjust the space or input your desired spacing size into the input field to the right of the slider. If selected, an additional option will appear to select your border color. This color is independent from your Icon color selected earlier. The Blurb Module also allows you to turn your Blurb image/icon and title into a link to your service page. Thanks Gabriel. It is probably the most suitable way for making the icon bigger. Place a valid web URL in this field to turn your Blurb Title into a link. Place a valid image url here, or choose/upload an image via the WordPress Media Library. So, in this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a unique feature section in Divi. The Blurb Module also allows you to turn your Blurb image/icon and title into a link to your service page. Divi Booster has an option for increasing the left-positioned blurb icon to 96px, to match the default top-positioned icon size. Hi Dan, Thank you for this awesome feature. If you select “yes” for this setting, then you will be presented with additional options for customizing your circle color and border. The Blurb Module also allows you to turn your Blurb image/icon and title into a link to your service page. An ID can be used to create custom CSS styling, or to create links to particular sections of your page. Every Divi module has a long list of design settings that you can use to change just about anything. In this tutorial we will be using the files from the download above, which contains an icon font we designed and generated with Icomoon. Prior to Divi Booster 3.2.6, the option was located at: Divi > Divi Booster > Modules > Blurb > Make left-placed blurb icons bigger. If you chose “yes” for the “Circle Icon” setting, then this option will appear. Where ever the images are placed within your layouts, keep in mind that Divi is optimized for three different aspect ratios (width:height): 1. By default, all text colors in Divi will appear as white or dark gray. Then add a Blurb module to the first column o… The Divi Theme blurb module allows you to add an icon with text to your page. CSS input into these settings are already wrapped within style tags, so you need only enter CSS rules separated by semicolons. When using Blurbs, you can choose to either use an Icon or and Image with your text. The perfect theme for bloggers and online-publications. By default these values are measured in pixels, but you can input custom units of measurement into the input fields. For this example, I’m going to use the Blurb Module to add four featured services to a homepage. I replaced the blurbs in the Doctor’s Office layout pack with Divi Blurb Extended modules. Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module’s list of options. Hey Brian, yeah it would be great to see it in Divi. 1 License. So there are few ways in order to customize our Divi Blurb Icons, from manipulate directly the source code ( maybe we’ll see this complex way in a future post ), to using a plugin like Divi Booster; but the easiest and quick way we have is simply by taking advantage of the magic of Css and a web service like Font Awesome. Within the advanced tab, you will find options that more experienced web designers might find useful, such as custom CSS and HTML attributes. I've updated the post with details of the icon font size option. However, the default icon size differs significantly between the two options, like so: Since I first wrote this, Divi has added an option which allows you to control the size of the left-positioned blurb icon. If enabled, you can input a custom size for the icon that is displayed above or two the left of your blurb text. It should even work for many 3rd party plugins as well, providing they follow Divi’s coding practices. 4:3 – the older monitor rati… Answer: If you are using Icons in Blurb module, you can switch in that module to Advanced Design Settings > click ‘Yes’ for Icon Font Size > Change the size of your icon there. Open up the blurb module, click on the custom css tab and give it a custom css class of myblurb.I am using Divi 2.6, if you are using an older version of Divi then the css class field will be at the bottom of the General settings tab. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi’s row and section elements. Add the class front in the Blurb Module. To remove a background image, simply delete the URL from the settings field. Is it possible to have the icon/image on the right rather than the left? If you want to create a list with icons then this module is helpful. You should be able to do it with CSS like this: Hope it helps, but let me know if you're unsure how to apply it, etc. You can also apply custom CSS classes and IDs to the module, which can be used to customize the module within your child theme’s style.css file. If you chose “yes” for the “Use Icon” setting, then this option will appear. We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so joining is Risk-Free! If you did not choose to use an Icon, then this setting will appear. You can drag the range slider to increase or decrease the size of your text, or you can input your desired text size value directly into the input field to the right of the slider. Open the setting of the blurb and 1) enable Use icon, 2) select any icon. If you chose “yes” for the “Show Circle Border” setting, then this option will appear. I demarked the feature in divi booster, but the Icons keep their size. This is the support forum for Divi Ultimate Child Theme. By default, there are two options for the position of the image/icon in the Divi blurb module, left and top. Adding Custom Blurb Icons in Divi. Content: [enter a short description of the service] Give a title to your blurb that will appear above the body text of the blurb in a bold text style. Here you can adjust the size of your body text. 1) Set the CSS class in the blurb module's advanced / custom CSS tab to: my_blurb. There are few ways of adding custom CSS to a Divi/WordPress website. The new icons can be used in any core Divi module that has icon selection, not just blurbs. It is available in other layouts as well. Within the content tab you will find all of the module’s content elements, such as text, images and icons. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. Thanks. Let’s move forward and do the CSS magic happen. The height of the blurb image is determined by the aspect ratio of your original image, so making all of your blurb images the same height is a good idea if you are placing them side by side. Custom CSS can also be applied to the module and any of the module’s internal elements. In this post, I show you how add icons to your Divi menu without the use of addition plugins, font awesome or without importing unneeded icon images. If you chose “yes” for the “Circle Icon” setting, then this option will appear. This is the tab you will use to change how your module looks. I looked through the module settings, but couldn’t find a way to adjust the image size. If you did not choose to use an Icon, then this setting will appear. I decided to use the Google Chrome inspect tool and discovered the issue. To do this, we are going to get a little creative with Divi’s Circle Counter module to add animation to your blurb icons. Here you can change the actual size of the Icon by increasing or decreasing the Icon font size. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type the word “blurb” and then click enter to automatically find and add the blurb module! I replaced the blurbs in the Doctor’s Office layout pack with Divi Blurb Extended modules. If already purchased, kindly login to … If I went smaller the circle remained the same size while the icon … Select a custom color from the color picker to apply it to your border. Preview 110+ Premade Websites & 880+ Premade Layouts. in one easy-to-use plugin. Content Options. The input fields supports different units of measurement, which means you can input “px” or “em” following your size value to change its unit type. Enable the "Use Icon Font Size" option. Using the Design tab, we want to edit the look of the module, so let’s follow these steps: For the icon colour, set #353535. Required fields are marked *, Change the Blurb Module Icon / Image Placement on Mobiles, Make the Divi Theme Options Header Sticky, Adblock Extension for Chrome blocking Divi Icons. By default, all text colors in Divi will appear as white or dark gray. 3. Here you can adjust the color of the circle border. You can replace the default Divi icons by adding classes to the module that the icon is in. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"f3bdc47f07794fe959f976e85f68c5bb5c11a6d8-1613318257-259200"}; You can of course use different values if you want to. If you would like to change the color of your body text, choose your desired color from the color picker using this option. css is no longer necessary.. whether you place the icon on top or on the left, there is an option to turn on icon font size and a slider to match. As such, I've moved it into the "Deprecated" section of the Divi Booster settings: Divi > Divi Booster > Deprecated > Divi 4, Hundreds of new features for Divi Prior to Divi Booster 3.2.6, the option was located at: Divi > Divi Booster > Modules > Blurb > Make left-placed blurb icons bigger. Your email address will not be published. This options allows you to place your icon within a colored circle. To add the four Blurbs to your page, use the visual builder to add a standard section with a four column row. Divi sets the blurb module default image width to 64px and there is no way to adjust the width in the settings. You can also customize the style of your text using the bold, italic, all-caps and underline options. Now in the first Blurb settings. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder’s modules. This options presents you with a list of available icons that you can use with your blurb text. I Appreciate your time. Using this Divi blurb plugin, you can easily add a button to the blurb. Unlimited Websites. Letter spacing affects the space between each letter. You can change the font of your body text by selecting your desired font from the dropdown menu. You can drag the range slider to increase or decrease the size of your text, or you can input your desired text size value directly into the input field to the right of the slider. However, your image will never scale larger than its original upload size. Hi Dan, Great tutorials btw. It also allows the image to be read and recognized by search engines. You can choose to disable your module on tablets, smart phones or desktop computers individually.

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