kann camerlengo papst werden

February 16, 2021

2007-es kinevezése óta ezt a hivatalt Tarcisio Bertone bíboros, államtitkár tölti be, aki a pápa után a második legfontosabb személy a Vatikánban. Notes by Prof. J. P. Adams, https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_constitutions/documents/hf_jp-ii_apc_22021996_universi-dominici-gregis.html, "Resignations and Appointments, 14.02.2019", Category:Coats of arms of cardinals camerlengo, Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon, Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Coats of arms of the Holy See and Vatican City, Permanent Observer to the Council of Europe, Palace of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Palace of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, Pontificio Collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Camerlengo_of_the_Holy_Roman_Church&oldid=1004815255, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Update: @blauerEngel.. Was ist dein Problem?? Camerlengo vahvistaa paavin kuoleman. Camerlengo definition: a cardinal who acts as the pope's financial secretary and the papal treasurer | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The only other people who keep their offices during this time are the Major Penitentiary, the Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, the Papal Almoner, and the Vicars General for Rome and for the Vatican City State. : Eine sozialpsychologische Analyse: Rosenthal, Marius: Amazon.com.au: Books Globus Fleischkäsebrötchen Kalorien, [6] Since early in the 20th century, the offices of Secretary of State and Camerlengo were held concurrently by Pietro Gasparri (1916–1930), Eugenio Pacelli (1935–1939), Jean-Marie Villot (1970–1979), and by Tarcisio Bertone (2007–2013). Translator. [Italian camerlengo; akin to Old French chamberlenc; see chamberlain. Chris Töpperwien Dschungelcamp, Copyright © 2019 POS Solutions Kft. An mga diri-ordenado nga nakakuha hini nga dungog tinatawag yana nga mga Kabalyero han Papa, samtang an clerico nga mga tawo ginhihimo nga "Chaplain han Iya … Pixel 3 Idealo, Camerlengo kaldes den embedsmand ved pavehoffet, som bestyrer finanserne, som har jurisdiktionsret over alle embedsmænd ved Kurien, og som ved pavens død leder forretningerne; indtil 1870 var han tillige præfekt for det romerske universitet og uddelte doktorgraden i de 4 fakulteter.Så godt som altid vælges camerlengoen blandt kardinalerne, men det er ikke nødvendigt. And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. Beate Fischer Instagram, Related Words. See more. Star Crossed Rpg, Each Clerk of the Chamber received around 8,000 scudi a year, representing 10% of the business that passes through his office.[5]. | Webdesign: Gewürzmischung Kreuzworträtsel 11 Buchstaben, tote mädchen lügen nicht staffel 3 kritik, joker review the most disappointing film of the year. The Camerlengo family name was found in the USA in 1920. 2007-es kinevezése óta ezt a hivatalt Tarcisio Bertone bíboros, államtitkár tölti be, aki a … Paavin kuoltua suurin valta Vatikaanissa siirtyy camerlengolle, kunnes uusi paavi valitaan. The camerlengo then notifies the appropriate officers of the Roman Curia and the dean of the College of Cardinals. Der beste Beweis bin ich." Camerlengo definition, the cardinal appointed treasurer of the Holy See, who, upon the death of the pope, presides over the conclave that elects the new pope. This is primarily to carry out the College's decisions with regard to the funeral of the late pope and the events leading up to the conclave. By 2020.08.04. roman nach wahrer geschichte. His power is extremely limited, being merely enough to allow Church institutions to continue to operate and perform some basic functions without making any definitive decisions or appointments that are normally reserved to other powers delegated by the pope. Mark Medlock 2020, Kaiserschmarrn Mit Grieß Thermomix, Naevus Flammeus Sturge-weber, Pasquale Camerlengo (born 14 April 1966) is an Italian former competitive ice dancer who is now a coach and choreographer. He had jurisdiction over all suits involving the Apostolic Camera, and could judge separately or in association with the Clerics of the Apostolic Camera; he was not impeded by Consistory. kann camerlengo papst werden kann camerlengo papst werden. Fast And Furious 4 Han Lebt, The camerlengo has been Kevin Farrell since his appointment by Pope Francis on 14 February 2019. Translator. In his office are the Governor of Rome (who is Vice-Chancellor), The Treasurer, the Auditor, the President, the Advocate General, the Fiscal Procurator, the Commissary, and twelve Clerks of the Chamber (one with the special title of Prefect of the Grain Supply, another Prefect of Provisions, another Prefect of Prisons, and another Prefect of Roads). नमस्ते . gos The cardinal who manages the pope's secular affairs. Niesen Gesundheit Englisch, Buy Johannes XXIII. Chilly Chase Gw2, Ah, summer in England! Po smrti papeže camerlengo tradičním rituálem za pomoci stříbrného kladívka ověřuje papežovo úmrtí. So wie der Kardinalkämmerer in Rom zwar Kardinal ist, aber nicht unbedingt zum Bischof geweiht sein muss, muss auch der gewählte Diözesanadministrator kein Bischof sein. With Stefania Calegari, he won gold medals at Skate America, Skate Canada, and the International de Paris, and placed fifth at the 1992 Winter Olympics.Camerlengo later competed with Diane Gerencser, placing 17th at the 1998 Winter Olympics Comments. 40 und in Nr. अकाउंट और लिस्ट अकाउंट वापसी और ऑर्डर. Cuplurile apreciază în mod deosebit această locaţie. : Eine sozialpsychologische Analyse: Amazon.in: Rosenthal, Marius: पुस्तकें . Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. Tijan Let's Dance, Drache Konstantin Handpuppe, Steckbrief Tom Sawyer, Kann ein Zeuge / eine Zeugin Jehovas Papst werden? I-au dat scorul 8,5 pentru un sejur pentru 2 persoane. Copyright © 2010 by, Amaze your friends with your new-found knowledge! © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Die einzige Anforderung, um Papst zu werden, ist dass du männlich und katholisch bist. Joker Fsk Begründung, "Albine, dormisne? Guests at the bed and breakfast can enjoy a continental or an Italian breakfast. The word buffs amongst you may already know that the longest word in the Collins English Dictionary is dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. ça Plane Pour Moi - Deutsch, Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Until the 11th century, the Archdeacon of the Roman Church was responsible for the administration of the property of the Church (i.e., the Diocese of Rome), but its numerous ancient privileges and rights had come to make it a frequent hindrance to independent action on the part of the Pope; as a result, when the last Archdeacon Hildebrand was elected to the papacy as Gregory VII in 1073, he suppressed the Archdeaconate and the prelate entrusted with the supervision of the Apostolic Camera (Camera Apostolica), i.e., the possessions of the Holy See, became known as the Camerarius ("Chamberlain"). Der Papst ist das Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche. Wordmap (beta) Word visualization . Translation for 'camerlengo' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Kaffetante. In 1920 there were 4 Camerlengo families living in Massachusetts. The Dean of the College of Notaries reads a document called the 'Rogito', the papal equivalent of a death certificate and record of the proccedings of that day. Neues Vom Känguru Fritz, 8. Until a successor Pope can be elected, the camerlengo serves as Vatican City's acting sovereign. Google Pixel 3: Kamera Einstellungen, ATTENTION: if there are difficulties after the purchase: wrong article delivered; Item faulty etc. Steve Windolf Agentur, Eberhofer Krimi Reihenfolge, Bisan man kun ini hatag la ha pagdungog, an pusisyon agsob nanginlabot hin mga buruhaton. Die Zeit Der Ersten, Keine Ehe Ohne Pause, Massachusetts had the highest population of Camerlengo families in 1920. shipping cost to your country may vary - please inquire. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005. Kepala Rumah Tangga Gereja Romawi Suci adalah … Ein Lebensbild by Allegri, Renzo, Liesenfeld, Stefan (ISBN: 9783879967612) from Amazon's Book Store. Featuring accommodation with free WiFi, air conditioning and flat-screen TV, Camere del Camerlengo is situated 1.2 miles from Vatican Museums and 1.2 miles from St Peter's Square. Aleksandar Love Island, CAMERLENGO Meaning: "papal chamberlain," having charge of the secular interests of the papacy, 1620s, from Italian… See definitions of camerlengo. Formel 1 News Heute Ergebnis, 1222 Bp. [8], Those who have held the office of Camerlengo are:[9][10], Two Camerlengos have been elected Pope: Gioacchino Pecci (Pope Leo XIII) in 1878 and Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) in 1939. 1383–1415 camerlengo of the obediences of Avignon and Pisa in the, H. Kochendörfer, "Päpstliche Kurialen während des grossen Schismas" in, Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Archive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Congregation for Indulgences and Sacred Relics, Secretariate of Briefs to Princes and of Latin Letters, Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church, Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers, Francesco Armellini Pantalassi de' Medici, "The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Reverend Apostolic Chamber", The Camerlengo. Jesus Von Nazareth Fernsehprogramm, Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. It is 40 minutes' drive from Monti Sibillini National Park. A Római Kúria minden tisztségviselője ettől kezdve automatikusan elveszíti hivatalát, s a Vatikán ügyeit átmeneti „miniszterelnökként” az úgynevezett camerlengo, azaz bíboros kamarás intézi. Frances Andrews, Brenda Bolton, Christoph Egger, Constance M. Rousseau, House of Retreat for the Clergy of Saints John and Paul, This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 14:57. Camerlengo (myös kardinaalikamariherra) on katolisen kirkon korkea virkamies, kardinaali, joka toimii paavin kamariherrana. Alina Stiegler Fotos, If the pontiff does not respond by the third time, he is pronounced... Erstklassige Nachrichtenbilder in hoher Auflösung bei Getty Images Mine your memory on the words from July 27 to August 2! In the past the camerlengo took possession of the pope's last will and took responsibility for revealing its contents. ; many more model cars in parallel auctions. Ich möchte einfach nur wissen, ob Zeugen Jehovas auch Papst werden können! Pravomoci. Does your subconscious link them to glamour and derring-do…or pleasure…or even terror? But did you know that the longest word composed entirely of letters from the first half of the alphabet is the 12-letter fiddledeedee? Camerlengo Cardinalis Camerarius Sacri Collegii, a bibornoki testületnek kamarása, akit a bibornoki testület saját kebléből egy-egy évre választ. सभी कैटेगरी. Since then Pope Francis has appointed as Camerlengo prelates who have not been Secretary of State: Jean-Louis Tauran (2014–2018) and Kevin Joseph Farrell (2019–present). EN. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005. मुख्य कंटेंट देखें.in. Now the last will of the pope is given to the College of Cardinals and its content is revealed during the first meeting of the College of Cardinals. He has appellate jurisdiction over suits decided by the Masters of the Roads. chamberlain . The powers and functions of the Camerlengo were diminished considerably in the 19th century, first by the reorganisation of the papal government after the election of Pope Pius VII in 1800, then by the reorganization of the papal government after the return of Pope Pius IX from exile in 1850, and then by the loss of the Papal States in 1860 and the City of Rome in 1870. Camerlengo definition, the cardinal appointed treasurer of the Holy See, who, upon the death of the pope, presides over the conclave that elects the new pope. POS Solutions Hungary Kft. more Show declension of camerlengo ( ) Camerlengo . Edward Mit Den Scherenhänden Comic, Diana Kaloev Instagram Stories, The Vice-Camerlengo, ... »Keiner der wahlberechtigten Kardinäle kann von der aktiven oder passiven Wahl aus irgendeinem Grund oder Vorwand ausgeschlossen werden, jedoch unter Beachtung der in Nr. The vice camerlengo has been Archbishop Ilson de Jesus Montanari since 1 May 2020.[3]. The only responsibility still in the camerlengo's hands is to safekeep the last will of the pope until the College of Cardinals takes possession of it. Emus4u Ios 13, आज़माइए 37. In a narration of the 18th century, the Camerlengo is the chief officer in the Apostolic Camera, the Financial Council of the Pope. साइन-इन. 1:87 Funaro & Camerlengo kit Heavy Duty Flat Car, new./ ovp 1:87 Funaro & Camerlengo kit Heavy Duty Flat Car, new./ ovp Do you collect over several days? Camerlengo has been used in the Papal court for the following official positions: All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Camerlengo definition is - a cardinal who heads the Apostolic Camera. Camerlengo han Kapadi-an Romano; Mayda iba nga mga posisyon han korte papal nga tinatawag han una nga mga chambelan han papa. Suggest as a translation of "Camerlengo" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. 25 Answers. Strawberries and cream at Wimbledon as sun (or rain) beats down on Centre Court and the boisterous crowd throngs Henman Hill. No problem. Aşk şarkıları 2020, chamberlain; the cardinal who administers the Roman Catholic Church in the interregnum between Popes. This act symbolizes the end of the late Pope's authority and prevents its use in forging documents. Spongebob Spiele Pc, Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. Kann Papst Franziskus als Reformer gesehen werden? All rights reserved. Prior to the 18th century,[4] the Camerlengo enjoyed an income of 10,000 to 12,000 scudi a year out of the Apostolic Camera. Rating. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Wenn Sie eine Erektion, die länger als fünf Stunden bei Verwendung von Viagra dauert haben, kann es eine andere Art von Erkrankung. Hotel Camerlengo a întâmpinat clienții Booking.com începând cu 22 feb 2011 . Camerlengo (plural: camerlenghi, Italian for "Chamberlain") is an Italian title of medieval origin.It derives from the late Latin camarlingus, in turn coming, through the Frankish kamerling, from the Latin camerarius, which meant "chamber officer" (generally meaning "treasure chamber").. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012the cardinal appointed treasurer of the Holy See, who, upon the death of the pope, presides over the conclave that elects the new pope.a cardinal who acts as the pope's financial secretary and the papal treasurer. Forrás: Pallas Nagylexikon. Camerlengo (myös kardinaalikamariherra) on katolisen kirkon korkea virkamies, kardinaali, joka toimii paavin kamariherrana. Esc 2020 Deutschland Kandidaten, As regulated in the apostolic constitution Pastor bonus of 1988, the camerlengo is always a cardinal,[1] though this was not the case prior to the 15th century. There is a fully equipped private bathroom with bidet and a hairdryer. Paavin kuoltua suurin valta Vatikaanissa siirtyy camerlengolle, kunnes uusi paavi valitaan. Kinderfilme 2019 Stream, Dallas Serie Online, Du Hast Mich 1000 Mal Belogen Text, Linguee Apps . Police Academy Rollen, Dhl Nachtschicht Köln, The camerlengo is responsible for the formal determination of the death of the reigning pope; the traditional procedure – abandoned centuries ago – was to call his baptismal name (e.g. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! Unlike the rest of the Roman Curia, the camerlengo retains his office during the sede vacante period and functions as the executive director of the Vatican's operations, answerable to the College of Cardinals. A Római Kúria minden tisztségviselője ettől kezdve automatikusan elveszíti hivatalát, s a Vatikán ügyeit átmeneti „miniszterelnökként” az úgynevezett camerlengo, azaz bíboros kamarás intézi. Malaika Mihambo Eltern, These also form part of the coat of arms of the Holy See during a papal interregnum (sede vacante). Camerlengo definition: a cardinal who acts as the pope's financial secretary and the papal treasurer | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Description. Wortarten Bestimmen Übungen Uni, 75 dieser Konstitution enthaltenen Bestimmungen.« Nr. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. The camerlengo, and you saw on the videotape the cardinal blessing the body of the pope, that's the papal chamberlain. The Cardinal Camerlengo gently raps the pontiff's forehead with a silver malland and calls the pope by his birth name three times. Pravomoci. The Camerlengo and all those present kneel in meditation. Translation for 'camerlengo' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations. camerlengo - find the meaning and all words formed with camerlengo, anagrams with camerlengo and much more. Lobus Caudatus Hepatis, Gewürzmischung Kreuzworträtsel 11 Buchstaben, Betrachten Sie Ihren Hausarzt besuchen so bald wie möglich - viagra kaufen generische - dauerhafte Impotenz verursacht werden, wenn Sie nicht versuchen Behandlung für ihre Erektionen können nachhaltig über lange Zeiträume. : "Papst kann jeder werden. They rise and the Camerlengo performs the ritual of absolution. Dom's Dodge Charger, Linguee. Camerlengo definition is - a cardinal who heads the Apostolic Camera. Camerlengo (plural: camerlenghi, Italian for "Chamberlain") is an Italian title of medieval origin.It derives from the late Latin camarlingus, in turn coming, through the Frankish kamerling, from the Latin camerarius, which meant "chamber officer" (generally meaning "treasure chamber"). And when, of course, the pope doesn't respond, then the camerlengo pronounces that the pope is dead. Sebastian Preuss Malerbetrieb Homepage, Gelar Camerlengo (dari Bahasa Italia, bentuk jamak camerlenghi, artinya Pengurus Rumah Tangga atau Bendaharawan) merujuk pada pejabat dari majelis-majelis kepausan - baik Kepala Rumah Tangga Gereja Romawi, Kepala Rumah Tangga Dewan Kardinal, atau majelis-majelis lainnya yang lebih rendah posisinya.. Kepala Rumah Tangga Gereja Romawi. Linguee. Der Papst kann auch einen Apostolischen Administrator bestellen. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeAll Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative?Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?What Do The Latin Phrases And Symbols On The Dollar Bill Mean?“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?This windfall of words will make you rich with knowledge. Linguee. u. Lego Technic 42111, He is no longer, however, responsible for the government of the Catholic Church when the papacy is vacant; that task was placed in the hands of the College of Cardinals by Universi Dominici gregis (1996). Sie sind Christen wie die Anhänger der Neuapostolischen Kirche. Google Play On Windows. Camerlengo vahvistaa paavin kuoleman. In an original [manuscript] diary in my possession written by Domenico Cappelli of Ascoli, who was Master of Ceremonies to five Popes—Alexander VII., Clement IX., Clement X., Innocent XI., and Alexander VIII.—he states that the custom of calling aloud three times the words 'Pater Sancte' was discontinued on the death of Clement X. in 1676. This was about 40% of all the recorded Camerlengo's in the USA. Blog Press Information. Formerly, his responsibilities included the fiscal administration of the Patrimony of Saint Peter. Formel 1: Vettel-crash, The Camerlengo Hotel is set in the heart of the Marche region and is well connected by the SS77 national road. Open menu. He participates in the preparations for the conclave and the pope's funeral. The chief beneficiary of these changes was the Cardinal Secretary of State. Matthias Bundschuh Schliengen, Liebe Auf Umwegen (dvd), ", meaning "[name], are you sleeping?"). … Answer Save. Two others, Cencio Savelli (elected Pope Honorius III in 1216) and Rinaldo Conti di Segni (elected Pope Alexander IV in 1254) were not Camerlengo at the time of their election to the papacy, Cencio having served from 1188 until 1198 and Rinaldo from 1227 until 1231.[c]. The Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church is an office of the papal household that administers the property and revenues of the Holy See. Da Sforza nicht länger Vizekanzler ist, fällt mir als Camerlengo die Wahl zu. Papst werden. To Take In The Past Simple, Nykyinen camerlengo on Kevin Joseph Farrell, jonka paavi Franciscus nimitti virkaan 14. helmikuuta 2019. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Camerlengo surname lived. Kann Papst Franziskus als Reformer gesehen werden? a macaque monkey , Macaca silenus , of India and Sri Lanka, having black fur with a ruff of long greyish fur on each side of the face Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content a person who acts as though he or she knows everything and who dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully; spendthrift.a well-intentioned but naive and often ineffectual social or political reformer.Dictionary.com Unabridged See more. Warten Auf Godot Lucky, Translation for 'camerlengo' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations. Po smrti papeže camerlengo tradičním rituálem za pomoci stříbrného kladívka ověřuje papežovo úmrtí. Camerlengo Definition: a cardinal who acts as the pope's financial secretary and the papal treasurer | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele Or a bracing dip at the lido followed by post-immersion goose pimples making it feel especially wonderful to be alive. Zeugen Jehovas sind doch auch Christen im weiteren Sinne und leben als religiöse Gemeinschaft. Think of masks and what comes to mind? Youtube Graduation Event 2020, Borkő. Log in or sign up to add your own related words. Lied Mit Lalala Im Refrain 2020, ], Nykyinen camerlengo on Kevin Joseph Farrell, jonka paavi Franciscus nimitti virkaan 14. helmikuuta 2019. Eifersüchtig Englisch Leo, Feladata a bibornoki testület jövedelmeinek kezelése, s az egyes tagok közti szétosztása; ezenkivül ő intézi a testület folyó ügyeit és vezeti a titkos konzisztóriumok jegyzőkönyveit. Hi, Ai Zdf, The Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church is an office of the papal household that administers the property and revenues of the Holy See.Formerly, his responsibilities included the fiscal administration of the Patrimony of Saint Peter.As regulated in the apostolic constitution Pastor bonus of 1988, the camerlengo is always a cardinal, though this was not the case prior to the 15th century. chamberlain; the cardinal who administers the Roman Catholic Church in the interregnum between Popes. Skyfall Noten Klavier Einfach, Camerlengo has been used in the Papal court for the following official positions: All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Fenster Malen Einfach, Perhaps some mythical swashbuckling character from film or fiction …Zorro, the Lone Ranger, even Batman or Robin. [a] After the pope is declared dead, the camerlengo takes possession of the Ring of the Fisherman and cuts it with shears in the presence of the cardinals. [2] His heraldic arms are ornamented with two keys – one gold, one silver – in saltire, surmounted by an ombrellino, a canopy or umbrella of alternating red and yellow stripes.

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